Physical Therapy
September 17, 2024
23 views 8 mins 0

From an Electrical Closet to a Community Hub for Physical Therapy: Christie Powell, P.T., Ph.D.

Raised in central Texas, Christie Powell grew up in a competitive, sports-dominated environment. Due to her athletic pursuits, she frequently faced injury, totaling 38 broken bones throughout her lifetime in addition to ten separate surgeries.  However, these repetitive injuries exposed her to the world of physical therapy, which ignited a newfound passion for a career […]

March 05, 2024
119 views 10 mins 0

Critical Care Nursing to Health Science Education: Mary Fraisher, R.N., B.S.N.

When she was in high school, Allen High School Health Science and Medical Terminology Instructor Mary Fraisher picked up her mother after her midnight nursing shift in the emergency room. As Fraisher waited in the car, she observed the inner workings and conditions of hospital healthcare.  “When I would sit down there, I would just […]

Geriatrics, Neurology, Psychology & Psychiatry
October 09, 2023
237 views 11 mins 0

Expanding Diversity in Cognitive Neuroscience Studies: Audrey Duarte, Ph.D.

As the first member of her family to attend and graduate college, University of Texas at Austin Professor of Psychology Audrey Duarte recalled a number of challenging instances during her career and education. Specifically, she felt the effects of Imposter Syndrome — the feeling of not being good enough to “deserve to be around certain […]