January 19, 2024
152 views 10 mins 0

A Career of Lifelong Learning: Giancarlo Santos, D.D.S.

One of Board Certified Orthodontist Giancarlo Santos’s favorite aspects to his career is the fact that his patients deeply appreciate his efforts. Recalling an instance when one of his patients had just gotten her braces off, Santos had given her a fantastic cosmetic result, and she had pulled him aside to express her appreciation for […]

Geriatrics, Neurology, Psychology & Psychiatry
October 09, 2023
237 views 11 mins 0

Expanding Diversity in Cognitive Neuroscience Studies: Audrey Duarte, Ph.D.

As the first member of her family to attend and graduate college, University of Texas at Austin Professor of Psychology Audrey Duarte recalled a number of challenging instances during her career and education. Specifically, she felt the effects of Imposter Syndrome — the feeling of not being good enough to “deserve to be around certain […]