February 13, 2024
204 views 14 mins 0

‘There’s no Higher High Than Saving a Life’: Michael Hirsh, M.D.

UMass Memorial Medical Center Chief of Pediatric Surgery Michael Hirsh’s parents were both Holocaust survivors. They had been in a concentration camp in Holland, where his mother was trained as a nurse. “She passed away in 2021 at the age of 97, but she was the best diagnostician I’ve ever met,” Hirsh said. “And I’m […]

Opinion, Public Health
November 08, 2023
407 views 7 mins 1

Love Your Menses: Achieving Global Menstrual Equity 

Until very recently, the issue of menstrual equity has been given little consideration globally and also in the United States. As of 2015, there are an estimated 800 million people on the planet who are menstruating, out of whom 500 million lack access to adequate resources for managing their periods. A recent study found that […]

October 23, 2023
354 views 10 mins 0

It’s a privilege to work in patient care: Amin Al-Ahmad, M.D.

One day, Cardiac Electrophysiologist Al Ahmad was preparing to perform a routine procedure on another doctor. He told his patient that it was just a straightforward, one-hour routine procedure, but the patient replied by reminding Al-Ahmad that a one-hour procedure for a doctor could be the most important hour of his life. Al-Ahmad was significantly […]

Geriatrics, Neurology, Psychology & Psychiatry
October 09, 2023
237 views 11 mins 0

Expanding Diversity in Cognitive Neuroscience Studies: Audrey Duarte, Ph.D.

As the first member of her family to attend and graduate college, University of Texas at Austin Professor of Psychology Audrey Duarte recalled a number of challenging instances during her career and education. Specifically, she felt the effects of Imposter Syndrome — the feeling of not being good enough to “deserve to be around certain […]

Cardiology, Hospital Administration
September 23, 2023
308 views 11 mins 0

Changing Patient Lives through Interventional Cardiology: Manesh Patel, M.D.

When Duke University School of Medicine Chief of Cardiology and Clinical Pharmacology Manesh Patel took interest in medicine, he wanted to apply science to people. Then, he took interest in internal medicine and its subspecialties, believing it was the strongest way to “think about all aspects of the patient.” Finally, Patel took interest in hospital […]

Hospital Administration
September 06, 2023
135 views 6 mins 0

Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Yolanda Wimberly, M.D., M.Sc.

For Grady Memorial Hospital Senior Vice President of Health Equity Yolanda Wimberly, teaching and learning are paramount.  “To me, education is something that’s foundational and is warranted … it’s essential, especially if you want to be a physician, because we’re lifelong learners,” Wimberly said. “It doesn’t stop when you get out of school, it continues […]

August 19, 2023
111 views 8 mins 0

How Health and Fitness Led to Chronic Pain Research: Kim Sibille, Ph.D.

In high school, Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Anesthesiology Kimberly Sibille was heavily involved in swimming and gymnastics, interests that influenced her goals in college. When she attended the University of Auburn, Sibille majored in exercise science and worked as a health and fitness instructor. However, it wasn’t until graduating from Auburn […]

July 21, 2023
122 views 10 mins 0

‘Speaking of Vitiligo…’: John Harris, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor and Chair of the UMass Chan Medical School Department of Dermatology John Harris specializes in vitiligo — an autoimmune disease that causes loss of skin color in patches — and works closely with finding treatments for the disease.  He also founded and directs the Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center, which is one of the […]

Emergency Medicine
July 14, 2023
510 views 5 mins 0

A Frontline Hero: Stanford White, M.D., M.B.A.

When Emergency Medicine Physician Stanford White applied to medical school, he did not get in on his first attempt — or his second attempt. It was only on his third attempt that he was finally accepted to Louisiana State University School of Medicine, and by then, he was already married with his first daughter. “Being […]