Exploration and Emergency Medicine: Ula Hwang, M.D.

Emergency Medicine
246 views 12 mins

Ula Hwang, M.D. is the co-PI of the Geriatric ED Collaborative (GEDC) and a Professor of Emergency Medicine at Yale School of Medicine. She graduated from Yale University and New York University School of Medicine and has worked to improve care for dementia patients.


The Power of Black in Medicine: Brianna Burton

Medical Student
528 views 10 mins

Medicine is a language of its own. When we hear doctors speak to one another, it’s like a foreign language that we are eager to understand.  Indeed, the language of medicine is one of deep understanding. Each of the various prefixes and suffixes of a medical term can come together to create a unique and […]


Path of Least Resistance: Morgan Brinker

Medical Student
926 views 8 mins

Physics taught us that the current follows the “path of least resistance.” Hopeful healthcare professionals apply this heuristic as they follow the path to their health professions schools, not wanting to jeopardize their future by going off the beaten path or forging their own path. Perhaps some anxiety is warranted, given recent admissions statistics. According […]


Global Health and Infectious Disease: Richard Lueking, M.D.

Infectious Disease
628 views 9 mins

Richard Lueking, M.D. is an assistant professor of medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, where he specializes in infectious disease.


How a Kenyan radiologist battled stigma: Judy Gichoya, M.D.

330 views 14 mins

Judy Gichoya is a radiologist at Emory University School of Medicine and has worked closely in the intersection of artificial intelligence and patient care.


Her miles to emergency medicine: Dr. Brittany Ladson, D.O.

Emergency Medicine
487 views 12 mins

Brittany Ladson, D.O. is an emergency medicine resident at Central Michigan University and is passionate about women’s empowerment in the medical field.


Ichthyology to cardiology: Joseph Alpert, M.D.

1393 views 15 mins

Joseph Alpert, M.D. is the Editor-In-Chief of the American Journal of Medicine and a professor of medicine at the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center.


An electrical engineer turned Parkinson’s disease investigator: Dr. J. Lucas McKay, Ph.D.

Biomedical Engineering
753 views 13 mins

J. Lucas McKay is an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Emory University and Georgia Tech involved in Parkinson’s Disease research.