From an Electrical Closet to a Community Hub for Physical Therapy: Christie Powell, P.T., Ph.D.

Physical Therapy
23 views 8 mins

Raised in central Texas, Christie Powell grew up in a competitive, sports-dominated environment. Due to her athletic pursuits, she frequently faced injury, totaling 38 broken bones throughout her lifetime in addition to ten separate surgeries.  However, these repetitive injuries exposed her to the world of physical therapy, which ignited a newfound passion for a career […]


Free Pads for a “Tree Movement”: How Menstrual Flow ties to our Reforestation Initiative

184 views 9 mins

Menstrual products are essential items for individuals worldwide, yet their widespread use contributes to significant environmental concerns especially with the use of disposable period products. In the Western world, a majority of people who menstruate use disposable period products.  According to the World Bank, more than 300 million women worldwide are menstruating per day. An […]


A first generation nurse’s dedication to underserved populations: Yolanda Bone, DNP, FNP-BC, AOCNP

170 views 9 mins

The year was 1965. It had been 26 years since the Spanish Civil War had ended, and Spain had been overtaken by a Nationalist dictatorship led by Francisco Franco, who inflicted famine, poverty, and conflict upon his people. In Francoist Spain, the whole country was “one wide prison,” according to Spanish historian Ramón Arnabat, and […]


Social Work in Nursing: Molly Vural, R.N.

123 views 9 mins

Following graduation from high school, Nurse Molly Vural earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Kansas. It wasn’t until a couple years later, when she was 28 years old, that she decided to pursue an Associate’s Degree in Nursing from Austin Community College. Vural noted that she was fascinated by the […]


Banking to Nurse Management: Pauline Guthrie, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N.

148 views 7 mins

Before Daisy Award Recipient Pauline Guthrie became a nurse, she worked at a bank for several years. Though she had received a degree in business administration from QueensBorough Community College, it was only a matter of time before she would join the career path of her sisters, who were all nurses.  A particularly impactful moment […]


Revolutionizing Visualization of Disease through Diagnostic Radiology: Dieter Enzmann, M.D.

276 views 10 mins

UCLA’s Department Chair of Radiology Dieter Enzmann considers himself a life-long learner. With extensive education from numerous reputable universities, Enzmann is an expert in the field. However, his passion for medicine started with a simple microscope.  Enzmann’s uncle was an anatomy teacher at a medical school in Iowa and played a major role in fostering […]


Improving Global Menstrual Wellness through Technological Innovations: Love Your Menses

576 views 9 mins

Menstrual equity is defined as having sufficient access to menstrual products, menstrual education, and reproductive health care for all people who menstruate regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, education, place of residence, or country. In 2022, the World Health Organization finally called for menstrual health to be recognized and addressed as a health and human […]


Critical Care Nursing to Health Science Education: Mary Fraisher, R.N., B.S.N.

119 views 10 mins

When she was in high school, Allen High School Health Science and Medical Terminology Instructor Mary Fraisher picked up her mother after her midnight nursing shift in the emergency room. As Fraisher waited in the car, she observed the inner workings and conditions of hospital healthcare.  “When I would sit down there, I would just […]